Hmm, it’s taken me until 3rd November to get to my 50th posting on my UK Blog – well ok I guess I didn’t actually start the Blog until April so it can’t be that bad; but I’ll admit it has been a struggle sometimes to keep myself motivated to write something interesting!
Maybe I’m either to busy to write or perhaps I’m just too boring a guy to find anything interesting to write about! Maybe I’ll let others judge!!
Anyway I’d better try to grab your interest now, rather than waffle on about nothing just to say I’ve posted 50 times!
Two things – firstly, if you follow the link to my Aussie Blog you’ll find something new – it’s a ‘Google Map’ of our neighbourhood Downunder and by navigating there and then clicking on the list on the left hand side you’ll see where we ‘live, rest and play’ (um that’s because we don’t WORK, rest and play anymore these days!! Been there, done that etc. etc.)
If you’re interested in where we are in the world, then it’ll help you get orientated!
Secondly I came across another great sailing video – you know how much I like my sailing ‘fast and furious’ although in practice I never seem to get any faster than 8 or 9 knots when I’m sailing anywhere; these guys seem to be up and beyond 30 knots!!!
Anyway, go here and enjoy a few minutes exhilarating sailing with some stirring music too (incidentally and appropriately from a very popular female Aussie singer!) so get your sound switched on and turned up a notch or two!