I've just signed up for a trial period for a new mail system - no not email, REAL mail!
It's a service just launched in the UK for mail to UK addresses - which you send via your computer; there's no need to buy paper, envelopes or stamps. The idea is that you pay 27p plus vat per letter and send it from your computer into the Viapost system - Viapost actually print the letter and mail it for you using sites they have closest to the recipient thereby reducing your carbon footprint!! 'Final-mile' delivery is by Royal Mail of course.
So far as I can see, folks (say) in Australia or anywhere else in the world can use the system for mailing letters to UK addresses and to me it's certainly worth looking into as the cost and the speed of delivery will be considerably better! For us in the UK it can save time and effort and 'guarantee' a faster service than the regular Royal Mail.
Go to the Viapost website for more information.